Saturday 18 November 2017

Should I Convert HTML site to CMS?

 Should I Convert HTML site to CMS?

Some peoples think that it is hard to covert their HTML website into any open source CMS, and a lot of questions came into their mind that :
  • Will their website ranking will get a drop?
  • Would they be able to manage their content easily?
  • What about their current page ranks?
  • How they will import too many HTML pages into CMS etc ?
I know these questions are valid and very important during this decision, but just because of this confusion they change their mind, and could not utilize CMS.

CMS website benefit upon HTML website:
HTML websites keeps sites behind today internet business race, takes their more efforts to manage contents and always keep depend upon developers to change the contents and every section of the website, Here you have to think of these advantages which a CMS can give you if you think that are required to must move there.

1- Content Management: 
In a CMS you can easily manage the contents, and your content publication become fast, there would be so many plug-in and components of CMS which will help you to manage the contents, suggest the contents, Images, and videos available to add into pages.Formalize your data and make the best presentation without anybody help easily, you want to add stores, blogs, or forums to your site is very easy.

2- Socialize Web Pages by Plugins:
Today it is very important that you socialize the pages, contents, services and your products, for that we get the traffic from social media, there are too many ideas to socials the contents, and in CMS
there are many free plug-ins which do that job, share contents, getting comments from social media, links social media pages to your website etc.

3- Search Engine Optimization:
Search Engine Optimization is very important factor, in HTML website changing meta tags, getting link juice, sharing contents with new contents all the required practices and continues efforts are very tough to manage, All the famous CMS structures are made by keeping in mind the advance SEO and also the plugins available freely to do such kind of jobs, So, in summary, there are too many benefits to you after converting website from HTML to CMS.

Security Practices for CMS:
Lets say you take this decision and you are going to move on CMS, there are some problems you can face, so for you that if prepare your self that is good, one issue is that security. All the CMS structures are known by malwares, so if you do not follow some security practices they can give tensions, now the question will be what are these practices, lets start from installation, don’t use the predefined prefix, some peoples install the WordPress and keep the prefix WP, after that it is important that your files rights should be not full, some people give the 777 rights and then complain to hosting that someone overwrite their files!

Responsive Web Design

The Fundamentals of Responsive Web Design

There is a continuous evolution of mobile phones along with trendy features to exploit new possibilities. With changing technologies smartphones are prevalent and their usage is excessive so there is a much concrete reason that everyone attempts to surf the web using mobile devices. Although to a large extent the web isn’t designed specifically for these devices consequently that’s really impractical to implement websites that response according to each separate device resolution as each of them has its own screen size, resolution and layout factors.

Basically, the concept of responsiveness is that it allows a site to respond to the size of the device screen. In order words, we can say that it automatically adjusts layout based on the size of the corresponding device. The greatest responsive website makes use of fluid grids, flexible images and CSS styling to modify site look and feel, also it should turn out according to the width of the layout. Ultimately the aim is that site should be perfectly fitted with both the user interface design and the user experience design across various devices.

Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design is an independent device that provides a user an independent experience. The venture of responsive design is to develop and impart the perfect experience through ultimate optimization processes by having numerous widths and resolutions. The terminology is suitably fixed on smartphones, tablet, notebook and other androids, etc. The trendy technology is designed and coded by the designers in various layouts, sheets, and resolutions, so that flexible layout fits into the browser in any version.
We build high-quality responsive websites that scale to different devices for optimal user experience and higher conversions leaving a lasting impression on people with spontaneous, visually appealing web design that seamlessly integrates with all other materials like eye-catching business cards and brochures. Our team can create a wide range of flexible and scalable designs. Vizz Web Solutions provides professional web design solutions along with website development, maintenance services, and quality assurance.

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Social Media APIs

 5 Advantages of Using Social Media APIs

Digital Marketing has become an amazing platform for enhancing a number of businesses across the globe bringing the whole world together on a single platform. With the advancement in technology, the consumer behavior has also changed a lot while considering which business owners design their marketing strategies.

At present, the use of social media for advertising and marketing products as well as services is considered as the simplest and cheapest source. It can help to make a brand owners voice to reach a large number of audience with considerably quick speed as compared to other mediums. There are a number of business or brand owners who have been utilizing this platform to digitize their business deals making them more attractive for consumers.

However, it is very much important to link that consumer traffic to your actual office or shop i.e. your website where they can actually know about the nature of services you deal with. It is more professional to integrate a social media platform with your website at present as it helps to build trust between your brand and customer.

For this purpose, API (Application Programming Interface) helps to make a bridge between your website and a social media platform while providing you with some of such assistance’s with which you can better enhance your business. It can also link third-party applications to your website improving the facility for customers via your website. Here we have compiled a few points regarding how social media APIs are advantageous for your business:
Increasing scope of marketing

A social media API helps you to have all contact details for the ones who can possibly become your customer. It works as a database in a way that it uses such a clever code which retrieves all information to be used for better marketing purposes when requested by any brand or business owner. Having all these contacts one can easily enhance the scope of marketing which will be helpful in maintaining the business as well as to make it stand out as something unique.
Retrieve reviews and improve business

Every sort of business would be wonderful with beforehand knowledge of what people might be having reviews for the product or service you are going to launch in the market. Social media API can also serve you with this purpose of retrieving the reviews for any product similar to yours and about what they want to have more along with it. It reduces the chances of your product or business to face any sort of failure after spending so much time or money and you can modify it as per the customer’s will expressed in all those social media reviews.

The acquisition of services from API has become easiest with fast technology offered by which helps you to make your business succeed with a tag of reliability in order to gain permanent customers for your products or services. The service must be integrated as it can reduce your effort as well as can save a lot of time and money in such a technical way that it would be improving the image of your brand as well in global digital market.


Friday 17 November 2017

Importance of Website Development

 4 Reasons Why Website Development is Important For Business

Website development is rapidly growing around the globe as a tool of business development. But, many of us do not know what importance does a website holds in growth of a business. The life of today is majorly based on computers. Everything that we see around has a deep rooted link to online networks. If we are in an office, there is no chance that a day goes without web surfing in order to keep the wheel of the company running.

We see a lot of startups struggling to establish their foot in the market. However, it is a bitter truth that many of them fail to catch as much targeted audience as they expect in the first place. What brings them down? It is majorly because they underestimate the capability of a developed website to earn business for them. Website development for business purposes can prove quite fruitful. Let’s look at some of the important reasons why a website is important for business growth.

24/7 Accessibility

If you come up with a business strategy and establish a physical outlet for your company, you might catch audience throughout the day when you are there. However, if you believe that this is all what you need to grow, that’s where you are wrong. People are quite tied up with their daily life and busy routines. So, it is not possible for everyone to part time to visit your office.
If you develop a website for the same business plan as an online forum, there is a fair chance of catching a lot of audience online to link up with you. It is because people are wired up with internet day in and night out. They prefer to look into everything the shortest way possible. Fill up your website with all the basic information and data. People will be able to access it even in the oddest hour of the day.


With a well-developed website, people can always tune in and look for what they need. They would pretty much appreciate to cut the effort of going down to a physical location while they can get it all online. So, if you are a service provider or a product seller, put it all on your website to earn business which you otherwise might not.
Make sure your website is developed to ease things up and not to confuse the visitors in order to catch a greater audience with positive ratings.
Worldwide Marketing

With an online website, you can link up to social forums and market your product/service to a massive audience all around the globe. You can regularly advertise and share your work on social forums to gain more than actually targeted audience. Great isn’t it?
Put your keen focus in your company’s website. It is not less than a brochure and it develops your company’s image.

Credible Source

A website is the most credible platform of a company/organization. Your official website can even function as your sole office. If your company’s physical location is not on an easy access or it is not being managed well, you can overcome the worries by focusing on your website.
Promote your services by a few clicks and you can grab the attention of consumers from various parts of the world. The website of a company can prove remarkable to gain business not only in a shorter time but also with a much bigger audience. 

API - The Central Part of Your Digital Business Platform


Importance of API for Business through Digital platforms

The trend of online shopping has been gaining value by the time. Technology has revolutionized the world of marketing in such a way that it has become mandatory for business owners to market their services as well as products using these online platforms. It has been observed that everything is being designed as per the requirement of a client or customer with the utilization of all those means which make it convenient for people to interact through.

Similarly, the online shopping websites have changed the world around an individual who has to previously go to some market and visit shops one after the other for different products which not only was a tiring thing for them but also time-consuming. The digital world of shopping has changed the whole scenario by developing such online platforms where you can find everything you want at all rates and without going anywhere.

Digital marketing has where introduced customers to a new world, the dealers and brand owners have also to keep up with up-gradation of latest techniques in order to stand out of the whole lot of digital markets. Whether it is to launch an application supporting your online shopping site or use of social media, the basic idea is to keep the business on the smooth move. However, there are some tools which help to enhance and then maintain the level of your business via online sources.

API (Application Programming Interface) is one of the most important service tools to be integrated with your business website as it helps you in better interaction with consumers and saving their time which gets coined as one of the positive points at your company’s end.

The purpose of this service is to provide such a platform for brand owners through which they can easily communicate with some other application in order to assist a customer. For instance, if you have an online shopping website and you want to define an easy online payment method to the customer, you will be having an integration of some payment services like PayPal to be integrated with your online shopping site helping a customer without consuming much of time.

Similarly, if you want to market your product on a larger scale, you might prefer to use Social API which lets you pull out contact information in order to improve the scope of marketing. An API facility provider assists you in having access to all info with which you can promote your business on online platforms. is one of the most reliable API service providers which can connect you to 3rd party applications in a simple way enhancing your business with credibility and by saving the time of customers.

In the present era, without using API it is not possible to compete with the digital market which has been utilizing a number of latest technological tactics in order to maintain the value of their businesses. It is because the customer has been looking for this sort of assistance through all online shopping mediums and for a successful turnout, it is mandatory to consider the will of customers.

API Service Provider

Will A Well Designed Website Benefit You In Good Business?

Five advantages of a well designed website

In the modernized world of today, websites are known as perfect alternative for business cards, catalogues or brochures. Every successful business plan is majorly empowered with an official website. Professionals all around the globe communicate and market their services through online forums. Website is nonetheless the most powerful source of generating good business today. However, there is still a gap in different social and business communities in understanding the perks of having a well-designed website to reflect an efficient brand image. If a website is designed in an effective way, it can serve as the best source of generating massive consumer audience.

So, let’s look through some of the perks that a nicely designed website can offer:

Positive Brand Image
If you have started a business and you are looking for some good first impressions, your website can do it for you. Make sure you spend some good amount of time on designing your web page in a smart as well as convenient yet catchy interface. The more attractive your website looks, the more positive responses you gain from the audience. But be careful to maintain a balance between your website’s design and content. Your website must contain the appropriate amount of information to facilitate the visitors.

Better Ranking
With a well-developed web interface, your website as well as business can gain better rankings. Online marketing is majorly associated with a good SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO works as a decision maker for how good your website can be. The more audiences you gain through your online forum, the better your search engine ranking will be. This is how you can market your services rapidly and on a massive scale.

Popularity for Better PR
Your well-designed website can serve as a gateway for attaining more PR. If you are doing a business and your website is generating enough audience, you can gain popularity on and off social media. Your popular status works to promote you through different communities and in turn earn you more business opportunities. A positive brand image opens the door for enhanced PR.

Widespread Access
Websites serve as the basic online medium for promotion of a certain business plan. Majority of the audiences are engaged from social media forums. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are some of the popular social media forums. Once you link your content to social sites, you will be able to get a lot of crowd from these sites. They ultimately land on your website which increases your popularity through different platforms. People can access you from social sites such as Facebook and Twitter.


The Importance of Web Design to Digital Marketing

How website design can enhance digital marketing of your business?

With the advancement of technology, the trends marketing for businesses have also got changed. A website is now considered as your office or shop from where a customer can know about your business to avail your services. If we take our website as a shop or office for our business, then we will be having it in consideration to make it look good so that it could produce an impact on customers for our professionalism we are following as well as the easy access to all info which values the way you deal with them.

We know that when it comes to digital platforms for business marketing, the trickiest thing is to build such an interface which can attract visitors and it should stand out of millions of websites related to that business. Here we can analyze the importance of website design as if it will be welcoming for people, then their remains no doubt in the fact that more people will be visiting it. But in case it has been made into dull interface, it will be similar to that small shop on the corner of a street without any board and wrecked doors as well as windows.

There are 3 most important factors which if we follow accurately in building our business website, can prove to be a booster increasing the number of customers
  • Attractive graphical interface
The best use of colors in graphics play a great game to attract visitors to any website. High resolution visuals and perfect alignment of drop down menus can make it more captivating than a simple dry website. Use bright but pleasant to sight colors so that the text and menus can appear clearly.
  • Easy access to information
Any website with easy access to all information related to business is considered to be the best among all digital platforms as it is better to provide ease to visitors. The menus should be formed in such a way that clicking it can lead to the world of clarity regarding the subject of that menu. For example, if it is related to any product your company is selling then the menu when clicked, it should provide all info related to the product precise and clear along with an action button to click and buy that product. Any sort of ambiguity in terms of content of the website can offend visitor which is neither good for your digital platform nor for your business.
  • Interactive websites are more welcoming
Interactive websites are always good to engage visitors and also introduce people to a unique interface of website. It helps you to have a feedback from customers regarding your products so that you can modify them as per their reviews. Apart from that you can also add an option of live chat so that if customers have to ask any question related to your products, they can have a quick response. It is something very important in terms of building a good customer relationship.

Vizz Web Solutions