Tuesday 16 May 2017

Wildthings - Responsive wordpress custom website design and development

Website for Animals Control Solutions

Technology:  #Wordpress, #Responsive, #Newsletter and License Module 
Tools: #Braintree, # Woo Commerce, #Mail Chimp
API integrated:  #Xero, #Map, #Shipping 


We have created an online shop using woo commerce site for animals control program. WildThings is a project that allows user to present services for animal control solutions. It helps user who are experiencing problems with pest animal by providing with an ethical, economical solution to restore balance to the area. WildThings also offers their customers to purchase products for various animals that are listed in site.

Major functionality implemented in the site is license that is obligatory to purchase and then upload before placing an order to purchase a product. Another important module is  integrating a simple mapping program that where website users can outline a property boundary and can place 6 symbols on the map, moving the site to new domain and work to maintain the seo ranking, building the invoicing system, maintain the stock level etc.

Backend Details: We have used Jupiter theme. We have used Xero API plug-in for invoices. Xero will maintain and manage all invoices record. Woo Commerce will manage all order details along with shipping & billing details. Also user details and record are managed in backend. Admin can view, approve or disapproved users. Mailchimp is implemented for monthly mail outs / newsletters. 

Following are the plugins which we have used:-
  • Mailchimp for Wordpress: It was agreed we would look at Mailchimp for monthly mail outs / newsletters
  • Newsletter: Newsletter plugin was implemented with a goal so that it allows user to subscriber list, to send newsletters, to build your business
  • Allows users to upload PDF’s
  • Woo Commerce PayPal Powered by Braintree Gateway: Braintree Payment gateway is implemented to receive payments
  • Woo Commerce PayPal Pro:  It allows users to place order and pay through PayPal gateway, allow customers to checkout via credit card.
Key points for the online shop include:
  • Integrate with Xero accounting package and Big commerce.
  • Manage shipping and tracking
  • Manage online and offline sales in sync
  • Maintain stock levels in Xero
  • We have approx. listed 140 Products and allow them to sell and would load onto the page
  • Able to add products easily as they become available
  • The site is user friendly, especially when placing orders, paying for  product, with option via Pay Pal or Credit Card
  • The site is able to capture clients data, so the contact form / forms are user friendly though also have the ‘crazy word’ option for security so we are not spam
  • Contact Form on the contact page to be clear and user friendly
  • Secure site from hacking

Sports Gala

April-2015. Sports Gala day. Tough competition between 2 teams, 8players on each side. Tournaments of cricket, bedminton and Delta force. Memorable day for whole team. Thanks to #Vizzwebsolutions for arranging this.

#Sportsday #cricket #bedminton #deltaforce by  #vizzwebsolutions  #vizzwarriors#vizztains #vizzteam #gathering #spirttowin

Happy Birthday Vizz 2017

Happy Birthday To Vizz Web Solutions , (1st January 2017). Wish you prosperity and great success !! May the organization grow by leaps and bounds!

And another year filled with joy, wonder, all good things, success, pleasure, bliss, delights, abundance….
Thanks to our team and clients for giving our company such a vast lift! I believe that together we will have even greater achievements in the future. ðŸ™‚
Happy moments of celeberations, love all arrangements, food and last final speech of inspiration from our CEO ðŸ™‚
Good Luck Vizz Web Solutions. May you grow more and more !!